Love God, Love People, Transform the World

Where sin abounded, grace abounded much more. Romans 5:20
Our LocationLive Stream

Sunday Services

10:00 a.m.

Wednesday Discipleship Classes

7:00 p.m.

About Us

In 2003, God blessed us with our present property on Mouse Creek Road and enabled us to build a facility to house our worship service. We call our sanctuary “The Family Room”. We understand, your family knows all about you but loves you anyway.

Community of Faith


We believe everyone needs a community of faith with whom they can worship, connect and study the Word of God. Too, that people can better experience the fullness of a meaningful relationship with God through church involvement.

All walks of life…


At Grace Community Church you will find people from all walks of life, some with a long heritage of Christian service and others who are new to a faith in God. In any case, there is a place for EVERYONE!

Get Connected

Women of Grace

Men of Grace
Friendship Bridge (55+)
GCC Music
GCC Prayer Team
Shut In Ministry
Grace Youth
Grace Kids

Watch Our Latest Sunday Service

Our Mission & Vision

Help each person discover their spiritual gifting, identify their passion area of ministry, and then provide an opportunity for them to use their talents and abilities for the building of the Kingdom of God.

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